You are a brand new Distributor of Forever Living Products or just planning to start your own FLP business!

We congratulate you on your decision, and welcome you to our worldwide family. We recognize that you are the most important person in the company; because without you, FLP would be just a dream. Undoubtedly you are excited about the opportunity to develop an unlimited income, and we want to make sure that happens.

The purpose of this training is to provide you with step-by-step instruction and assistance in building your Forever business.

Your very first step as a new Distributor is to purchase either a Clean+Lean Business Pak*,  a Touch of Forever Combo Pak or a Touch of Sonya combo Pak.
No matter which you choose, you will earn two personal case credits (2cc) and immediately become an Assistant Supervisor!
As an Assistant Supervisor, you can begin sponsoring Distributors, and you will start earning a personal bonus on all your future product orders.

When you fill the application out make sure to have     my  sponsor ID 200001353682 for the registration.

After registration within 30 minutes you will receive your ID number and password. You can change your password on more desirable. Copy your ID and save it in your computer.

Enter to corporate website, lo-gin on the right upper corner(DISTRIBUTOR LOGIN) with your ID and password,  set up your preferences and start shopping with your 15% discount.
In time of registration you have option to input your social security number if you want to or just leave that field empty.

All orders of product totaling $600 or less will include ONLY $7.50 US shipping charge.

The importance of purchasing your Pak cannot be overemphasized. By far, the most important factor in the success of your business is your personal enthusiasm. This enthusiasm begins growing through your experience with the products, and then expands with the Marketing Plan. You need the Pak to experiment with the products and begin your product knowledge so you can share your knowledge and the product with others. Starting your FLP business without a Pak is like trying to fly without wings. Think of the Pak as your "college education" for your business. Many people spend tens of thousands of dollars to receive knowledge that they can then use to earn a living in their chosen vocation. In FLP, your education costs only a couple of hundred dollars; and yet the income you can receive through that knowledge can be dramatically greater than any job you can get with your college education!

One successful Distributor remembers telling his sponsor that he couldn't afford to buy his first Pak. Rather than accept this as an excuse to get started incorrectly, the sponsor sat down with him to discuss various ideas of how to purchase the Pak. It was decided that the Distributor would sell his set of golf clubs, which he was able to do within a week. The Pak was then purchased and the Distributor's business began. He later became a Gem Manager and inspired many others with his example. There isn't anyone who cannot afford to purchase a Pak; the truth is that there isn't any new Distributor (who is serious about earning a great income)who can afford not to buy a Pak!

In addition to giving you that emotional strength of enthusiasm, another benefit of purchasing a Pak is what it does for you physically. By using the various products, you quickly become a "product of the products". You, then, are your business' best advertisement - a walking billboard that shouts "these products are great!" Not only will you find yourself convincing others to try the products by relating your experiences, but you will also find that they will notice the great results you are having (i.e. smoother skin, silkier hair, more energy, fewer inches) and ask you what you are doing to have achieved this.
  • Another important reason for purchasing a Pak is that you receive all the literature and tools you need to start your business:
product catalogs, training materials, videos,product manual, product samples, etc. In fact, we are so convinced of the importance of the Pak to your business, that we offer it to you at a discounted price! The wholesale cost is less than you would pay if you bought all the products and literature separately.

Distributors who earn 5-, 6- and 7-figure incomes all started with a Pak. The enthusiasm they developed for the products became the foundation that supported them through the growth of their business, and ultimately strengthened their resolve and energy. It will definitely do the same for you; so, purchase your Pak and start using the products right away!
Now it’s time to decide which Pak to purchase. If you plan to concentrate on weight management, then the Clean+Lean Business Pak will best suit your needs; otherwise the Touch of Forever Combo Pak is for you. (Some Distributors purchase both!)
Remember that from the moment you order your Pak, you begin your journey to financial freedom.
So take the first step on your journey right now; it's as close as your computer!
